We would like to thank everyone who was able to make it to Ida Grove in September to help us celebrate our 20th Annual GOMACO Invitational. We know it was no small accomplishment for you to travel to our small town in the wake of the national disaster the week before. We hope everyone had as great a time at the Invitational as we did hosting it for you. We hope everyone arrived home safely and we can't wait to see you again next year!

In the meantime, please feel free to browse the following photo pages and relive this year's festivities!


Also visit the: 1998 Invitational - 1999 Invitational - 2000 Invitational

2001 Champions - Tuesday Morning - Stringless Demonstration - Putting Tournament - Putting Finals - Contractors' Shoot-Out - Buddy Shelton Show - Pride Of Iowa Steak Fry - Tuesday Awards - Wednesday Morning - $5,000 Putt - Opening Ceremony - Ida Grove Tournament - Ida Grove Foursomes - Holstein Tournament - Holstein Foursomes - Mapleton Tournament - Mapleton Foursomes - Odebolt Tournament - Odebolt Foursomes - Championship Play-Off - Wednesday Awards


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All Rights Reserved